I recently took one for the In Noosa Magazine team and reviewed the Flotation Pool at Noosa Springs Spa (this article appears in the Spring issue of In Noosa Mag).
Take a breath – come with me on a journey of sensory deprivation with a myriad of health benefits at Noosa Springs Spa.
There is something really special about the Noosa Springs Spa that screams luxury and relaxation the moment you push past the front door and leave the crazy world behind you. On arrival you are greeted with a sensory stimulation involving essential oils – that day spa smell always takes me into that state of bliss!
I love the vibe amongst guests arriving at a day spa – everyone is happy and ready for some self-loving! It really feels like a different world in the spa, people are quietly sitting, smiling, anticipating a relaxing treatment – it’s like a weight is lifted off your shoulders.
I am offered a refreshing, cool lemon beverage (so beautifully presented with an hibiscus flower – ok so now I’m truly transported to an island holiday!) The drink ignites my taste buds and I am reminded again that I am doing the right thing for my body and mind taking time to treat myself to a day spa experience.
The staff then guide me through to the change room where I find a locker full of all the day spa necessities – a robe, slippers and towel. Once I am out of my civilians and into my spa robe I am ready to fully relax – I am in the zone!
I saunter through to the waiting area where I lounge about overlooking the pool garden and stunning water feature. I spot a celebrity or two and start to consider what my first float experience might involve.
To be honest, the thought of floating on water for 55 minutes is daunting. Will I like it? Can I make it through the entire treatment? Will the ear plugs stop the water flooding my eardrums? How beautiful is that celebrity sitting over there? I digress, I’m overthinking and pretty sure this is why I need 55 minutes of sensory deprivation.
One of the warm and welcoming staff members escorts me into the Flotation Pool Room. It’s warm, the room looks like a scene from a Greek or Roman movie – it’s really pretty and I feel a bit like a goddess. The staff instruct me that I have 3 minutes to disrobe and make my way into the shallow pool. It is full of a magnesium salt solution and they guarantee me I will float. I’m skeptical – I had eaten a big lunch!
I had the choice of complete darkness or sparkling stars – chose the stars! The lights dim, the stars are glimmering and I’m naked floating in a shallow pool of water – I am floating! The sensation of allowing your neck to completely relax and be supported by water is truly fascinating. I battle with my neck until I finally allow the water to pillow my head and neck. I barely move around while I settle into my float. It’s truly a sensory deprivation, no smell, no sight, no sound and you are weightless so you can barely feel a thing.
I find myself exploring what my body can do in this state of weightlessness, I stretch and try a few yoga poses to experience this sensation. It feels amazing – I notice the pain in my right knee from an injury is less noticeable as there is no weight on it. I find that I am thinking about my body only and for the entire time that I am in the flotation pool I am paying attention to my physical body, its health, range of motion and feel. It’s truly unlike anything I’ve experienced. With no other distraction I am really listening to my body – I understand now why floating assists with cognitive learning.
It’s also beneficial for normalizing blood pressure, reducing pain, improving psychological and emotional conditions and enhancing the immune system.
My float was an epic reminder that I (we) really need to care for and listen to our bodies and treat ourselves to quiet time and relaxation as a part of overall health and well-being. I liked the experience, I easily floated through the entire session and my earplugs totally protected my eardrums – no blocked ears and a completely relaxed body. I encourage anyone with pain or discomfort from an injury or operation to try floating. Noosa Springs Spa say its equivalent to six hours rest. Everyone is talking about the benefits of magnesium too – so soak up the mag, meditate and make time for yourself in the Flotation Pool at Noosa Springs – you may even spot a celebrity!
